
MIT License
Copyright © 2020

linkPage Configuration

Page configuration determines properties of each generated HTML page. You can change this configuration via .codedoc/config.ts:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2linkimport { guessTitle } from '@codedoc/core/transport';

3link// ...


5linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

6link //...

7link page: {

8link title: { // --> configuration for page title

9link base: 'Codedoc Sample Page', // --> the base term of page title

10link connector: ' | ', // --> the connector of different parts of the page title

11link extractor: (content, config) => // --> the page-specific title extractor

12link guessTitle(

13link content,



16link ),

17link },

18link favicon: undefined, // --> link to your fav icon

19link meta: { // --> meta tags of each page

20link subject: undefined, // --> the subject meta tag for each page

21link description: undefined, // --> description meta tag for each page

22link keywords: [], // --> a list of SEO keywords

23link themeColor: '#212121', // --> the browser bar color of your docs

24link appleMobileWebStatusBarStyle: // --> same as above, but for iOS Safari

25link 'black-translucent'

26link },

27link fonts: { // --> font settings

28link text: { // --> font used for texts

29link url: // --> URL of font used for texts

30link ',700&display=swap',

31link name: 'Hind', // --> name of font used for texts

32link fallback: 'sans-serif' // --> the fallback font for texts

33link },

34link code: { // --> font used for codes

35link url: // --> URL of font used for codes

36link ',400&display=swap',

37link name: 'Source Code Pro', // --> name of the font used for codes

38link fallback: // --> fallback font for codes

39link `'Courier New', Courier, monospace`

40link },

41link icon: { // --> the icon font

42link url: // --> url of hte icon font (and perhaps the outline icon font)

43link '',

44link name: 'Material Icons', // --> name of the icon font

45link outline: // --> name of the outline icon font

46link 'Material Icons Outlined'

47link }

48link },

49link scripts: [], // --> a list of script elements to be added to the head

50link stylesheets: [], // --> a list of stylesheet elements to be added to the head

51link post: [], // --> a list of functions for post-processing each generated HTML page

52link },

53link //...


You can provide any of these properties. Properties not provided will fallback to values outline above:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link title: {

8link base: 'My Project',

9link connector: ' > ',

10link },

11link favicon: '/favicon.ico',

12link meta: {

13link subject: 'An Awesome Project',

14link description: 'Pure awsomeness that helps you become awsome as well',

15link keywords: ['project', 'meine', 'awesome'],

16link },

17link },

18link //...


linkPage Title

The title property determines the title of each page. It has three components:

So for example the following configuration:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link title: {

8link base: 'My Project',

9link connector: ' > ',

10link extractor: (_, config, file) =>

11link [


13link ...file.path.substr(0, file.path.length - 3) // --> remove the extension

14link .split('/') // --> split by slash

15link .map(_ => _[0].toUpperCase() + _.substr(1)) // --> camel case each part

16link ].join( // --> join by the connector

17link },

18link //...

19link },

20link //...


would create the following titles for these markdown files:

1linkmy-project/docs/md/ -------------------> My Project > Index

2linkmy-project/docs/md/whatever/ ----------> My Project > Whatever > Stuff

The default extractor function is guessTitle(), which will assume the content of the first heading of the markdown file as the title of the corresponding page. So for a page like this:



3link# Whatevs!

4linkHellow, and whatever.

the title would become My Project > Whatevs!.


You can configure the meta tags of each page via the meta property:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link // ...

8link meta: {

9link subject: 'An Awesome Project',

10link description: 'Pure awsomeness that helps you become awsome as well',

11link keywords: ['project', 'meine', 'awesome'],

12link themeColor: '#212121', // @see [Google's docs](

13link appleMobileWebStatusBarStyle: 'black-translucent' // @see [Apple's docs](

14link },

15link // ...

16link },

17link //...


It is highly recommended to set subject, description and keywords tags since these meta tags are pretty important for search engine indexing.

touch_app NOTICE

You can also provide page-specific meta information for subject, description and keywords properties using MetaOverride markdown component.

Learn More


The favicon property names the URL of your doc's fav icon. For the default setup, it is recommended to keep this file in the root of your project, named favicon.ico, and setting the favicon to /favicon.ico:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link // ...

8link favicon: '/favicon.ico',

9link // ...

10link },

11link //...


Read More about Images and Assets


You can configure the fonts via fonts property:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link //...

8link fonts: { // --> font settings

9link text: { // --> font used for texts

10link url: // --> URL of font used for texts

11link ',700&display=swap',

12link name: 'Hind', // --> name of font used for texts

13link fallback: 'sans-serif' // --> the fallback font for texts

14link },

15link code: { // --> font used for codes

16link url: // --> URL of font used for codes

17link ',400&display=swap',

18link name: 'Source Code Pro', // --> name of the font used for codes

19link fallback: // --> fallback font for codes

20link `'Courier New', Courier, monospace`

21link }

22link },

23link },

24link //...


For example, changing the text font to Comic Neue would look like this:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link //...

8link fonts: {

9link text: {

10link url:

11link ',wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;1,300;1,400;1,700&display=swap',

12link name: 'Comic Neue',

13link fallback: 'cursive'

14link },

15link },

16link },

17link //...


Similarly, you could override the code property to change the font used for code snippets and in-line codes.

linkIcon Font

You can also modify the icon font using icon property:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link //...

8link fonts: {

9link icon: {

10link url: '<URL to my icon font and optionally its outline version>',

11link name: '<Name of the icon font>',

12link outline: '<Name of the outline icon font>' // --> if not provided, this will default to `<name> Outlined`

13link },

14link },

15link },

16link //...


warning CAUTION warning

When providing an icon font, you MUST ENSURE IT HAS THE GLYPHS THAT ARE USED BY CODEDOC BY DEFAULT. The following glyphs are used by codedoc:

If all these glyphs are not provided by the icon-font, then some features of CODEDOC will appear pretty broken (since the icon font will be missing). You can take a look at Material Icons to see how each of these icons should look. The safest approach would be to import all the SVGs from Material Icons into your icon font and override those who you want to.

linkScripts and Stylesheets

You can add custom script and stylesheets to each page via scripts and stylesheets properties. For example, imagine you want to add google analytics to your docs:

Rename .codedoc/config.ts to .codedoc/config.tsx so that we can easily create the necessary script elements using TSX.

Then, modify .codedoc/config.tsx like this:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2linkimport { StaticRenderer } from '@connectv/sdh'; // --> import a static renderer for easily creating the script elements

3linkimport register from 'jsdom-global'; // --> also lets create a global document object for that purpose


5linkconst renderer = new StaticRenderer(); // --> initialize renderer

6linkregister(); // --> register global document object


8link// ...


10linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

11link //...

12link page: {

13link // ...

14link scripts: [

15link <script>{`

16link||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;

17link ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');

18link ga('send', 'pageview');

19link `}</script>,

20link <script async src=''/>

21link ]

22link },

23link //...


touch_app NOTE

Note that members of scripts and stylesheets must be HTMLElements. This is why we used TSX, alongside the TSX renderer of CONNECTIVE SDH for creating them in the exmaple above.

linkPost Processing

You can conduct post-processing on generated HTMLs before they are saved to disk via post property. This property should be an array of post-processor functions, each of which will be applied to each HTML document before it is stored on the filesystem.

Each post-processor will be passed an HTMLDocument object as its first argument and a File object as its second argument, whose .path property is the path the HTML file is going to be stored on (relative to the base HTML output folder).

So for example the following configuration:

1linkimport { configuration } from '@codedoc/core';

2link// ...


4linkexport const config = /*#__PURE__*/configuration({

5link //...

6link page: {

7link //...

8link post: [

9link (html, file) => {

10link html.body.setAttribute('data-path', file.path);

11link }

12link ]

13link },

14link //...


Will set the path of the source markdown file on the data-path attribute of body.

Post processor functions are executed in the order provided, after CODEDOC itself has conducted its own post-processing (adding necessary script and stylesheet imports, fixing local links according to project namespace). They can be asynchronous functions, in which case each will block the queue until it is resolved.

Page ConfigurationPage TitleMetaFaviconFontsIcon FontScripts and StylesheetsPost Processing

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